As some of you may be aware the University of St. Andrews attracts some of the most prestigious students from around the globe, but what you may not know is just how stylish they are. We collaborated with
Concrete Catwalk to showcase some of the most well dressed students in St. Andrews with our leather bags. And yes, their name sums up exactly what it's like to be a student at St. Andrews - it's always like being on a catwalk, I guess that's what you get when you combine Scotland's #1 university in the stunning and picturesque town of St. Andrews.

As if the little cobble stone streets in St. Andrews aren't enough, you'll always get to see fashionable students who have a knack for combining classic and traditional styles with trends, to pull off some of the greatest street style looks. You can get our
vintage flight bag to complete this look.

We love this colourful look with mixed prints and textures, it's one of the outfits that you think 'I could do that', then you try and fail, can anyone relate to this? I guess you have to have amazing style like this St. Andrews student. Complete this look with our
leather rucksack.

Why does everyone love a backpack? Well, if you have a better way to walk around town with your belongings whilst holding your phone and coffee we'd love to hear it! A rucksack is the most practical thing you can carry and it doesn't hurt that they've been on trend for over a year now, so there are some very stylish ones to choose from. Shop our collection of
leather backpacks, they are affordable, durable and are sure to last for years to come. We know you all have a preference when it comes to black and brown leather bags, luckily we've got classic styles in both to choose from. Back to the street style of these students...this jacket is everything, enough said.

women's leather backpack in black is big enough for a 15" laptop, books, folders and many other daily essentials.

Often referred to as Hogwarts, St. Andrews has some of the most beautiful structures and buildings in Europe, including
St Andrews Cathedral, which is a ruined Roman Catholic cathedral built in 1158, but burnt down during the Scottish Reformation. You can see how well our distressed leather bags fit in with the style and colours of not only St. Andrews' students, but the town itself! These students are doing autumn fashion correctly with stylish layers of natural hues.

Perhaps your lecturer posts notes online and your classes don't have books, then you'll want to see our collection of
slim laptop bags and portfolio cases. They are lightweight, affordable and easy and convenient to carry around town. As seen here on this classically styled student at the always delicious smelling food shop by the East Sands.

Nothing beat the colours of and styles of the tug boats in the St. Andrew's harbour, it's a great place to sit and relax.

Now that you've seen our newer style bags, we'll end with where it all began for us, our
leather satchel. It was the first bag we designed, over 10 years ago and still remains one of our best sellers because of it's practicality and well, it's a classic. As well as the harbour in St. Andrews, it's a classic backdrop for this lovely town we are lucky enough to live in.