We get asked by a lot from people to make recommendations and give advice on the wide range of men's leather bags we sell. In addition, to give you a rough guide on the leather satchel for men, we have put together our most popular leather messenger bags, satchels and man bags.
Leather Messenger Bag for Men
There are almost as many names for fashionable leather bags as there are uses for them. We've heard them called: messenger bags, leather satchel for men, courier bags, despatch bags, man bags, and reporter bags. We can assure you that it doesn't matter what you call it, the leather messenger bag will always make a great choice.
Before we go any further we'd better explain exactly what a man bag is. Simply derived from 'man' and 'handbag', they're fashionable bags for men that combine style - e.g. a vintage worn leather look - with function.
Technically a briefcase is a man bag; in the current sense of the term man bag refers to a less formal men’s shoulder bag that includes the messenger bag. Furthermore, they are more casual than briefcases, but far more stylish than a scruffy canvas rucksack.
Of course they're nothing new. In the past, no discerning gentleman in the UK would not have been seen without a leather Gladstone bag.
The Leather Satchel for Men
Similar to the messenger bag, the leather satchel for men is a classic bag with wonderful history. Satchel bags were traditionally used as school bags in the 1950's. Today, the tradition has evolved in to a highly popular man bag.
Remember Indiana Jones' or Chewbaca's satchels? Man bags have become more popular in the last few years mainly due to the fact we're carrying more stuff around with us today and bulging pockets just don't look right.
How to choose your bag
The first thing to consider is, what is your new bag going to be used for? It's no longer a simple case of small bags for women; large bags for men.
Is it going to be used for carrying a few items like your mobile / iPhone, tablet, compact digital camera and keys? If yes, then a smaller messenger bag or satchel is best. They're also more practical for travelling on crowded public transport.
Laptops, A4 folders and files, books and magazines would need a larger bag, but the larger the bag the more likely you are to fill it and the heavier it gets! We always recommend using a protective sleeve such as those sold by Belkin.
If in doubt, opt for the middle option: a medium sized bag. If you have a lot of things to carry and you are super organised then lots of pockets and compartments are essential. Generally you will end up putting more into your new satchel bag for men than anticipated so allow extra space.
Choose a style that suits your preference. Do you prefer longer bags, a satchel that fits a laptop or a smaller man bag to fit small essentials?
Long bags are deep, hang lower and are ideal for A4 files and paperwork. Furthermore, wide bags are more popular and look more like the iconic cycle messenger bags.
With straps and buckles, satchels have that retro old school look and feel to them. Although safer, they need a little more effort to get into.
Top tip: if you like satchels and their buckles, but think they're too cumbersome to fasten and unfasten, just wear it with the buckles unfastened.
Without a doubt leather looks best and is hardwearing. A tan leather messenger bag will soften a little and taken on a slightly darker worn look and feel. A tan leather satchel bag is made with distressed or vintage leather, so you don't have to wait five years for the bag to look like that vintage leather bag you really wanted from day one.
Though canvas messenger bags may be light and foldable, they don't really hold their own shape and sometimes trying to get something out of them can seem like a lucky dip. They may be water resistant, but do you really want to look like you're just about to trek through the jungles of Borneo?
Designer or high street?
Well if you're loaded and have between £250 - £500 to spend, opt for a Mulberry, Paul Smith, Bally, Prada or Gucci bag. In contrast, for £45 and £100 you can buy a vintage styled leather messenger bag or retro leather satchel online or on the high street.
So now it's time to give in and get yourself a leather messenger bag, leather satchel or leather man bag.
Click here to see our range of
leather bags.
If you're still not convinced, below are some of the hundreds of reviews, views, tips and words of advice left by many of our happy customers. More can be seen listed under each of our leather bags.
A brief history of the man bag
Man bags have become more popular in the last few years mainly due to the fact we're carrying more stuff around with us today and bulging pockets just don't look right.
A leather satchel for men have a definite manly history. Many a British explorer would have kept their personal belongings in a manly leather satchel. Furthermore, African hunters have used a leather shoulder bag to keep their weapons and store their catch. More recently cycle couriers, messengers and thousands of postmen continue to use them today as well as fishermen. They're just as utilitarian, but with a little more style to them.

Chewbaca with his shoulder bag

Indiana-Jones and his messenger bag
We have a range of over eighteen leather messenger bags, leather satchels, leather man bags, courier bags and leather travel bags available in up to four sizes at our
For more help and advice contact the Scaramanga team.
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team@scaramangadirect.co.uk or
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