Made with high quality vintage style leather, these bags are the ultimate university accessory because you’ll find them accompanying you everywhere (except possibly the dancefloor). The majority are large enough for a laptop or A4 folder, and many can accommodate even the largest of textbooks without you having to worry about the strap breaking as you’re running to make your first lecture following a ‘social’ the night before - the leather straps are broad and super sturdy.
For those students lucky enough to own an iPad, there’s even a bag perfect for you in the form of the mini solo leather messenger bag, which is a very affordable £37.50. Whether or not your fellow students will be more envious of your gadget or its carrier remains to be seen, although the latter will definitely be more unique; the distressed leather of Scaramanga’s vintage bags makes every one different.
You don’t even have to worry about one of these bags doing serious damage to your student loan either, as most retail at around £35-£80. As they’re so well built and made with quality leather, they’re also an investment - it makes more fiscal sense to buy one Scaramanga bag than ten cheap ones which only last a month. You’ll learn that in Economics 101.
Looking for a simple mid-sized satchel for A4 documets / books or a 15 inch laptop try our medium wide leather satchel for girls, boy's version (also available with an option front pocket and handle). Scaramanga recommend their Overlanders for students looking for a spacious leather satchel with lots of pockets and compartments. Smaller options include our small wide satchel. They'll fit A4 douments and a few smaller books.
And don’t forget, Scaramanga also offer an extensive range of leather journals, pencil cases and purses, so you needn’t spend hours trawling shops in order to kit yourself out for the new year. Especially when you should be spending those hours doing important pre-term reading (not really, everyone knows the only courses which matter in first year are Having Fun and Meeting Excellent New People).
So whether you’re heading into the home stretch of your university years, or you’re about to embark on your very first foray into higher education, make sure you pay Scaramanga a visit first or give us a call and we'll happily discuss the options with you.