We have been so lucky over the past few months to have started working with some international fashion-savvy bloggers who happen to love our leather bags. It has been a such a treat to see how different bloggers style our bags and more, how our bags suit so many different fashion choices. Below are some of our favourite photos from just three of our favourite bloggers, more to come next, so stayed tuned.
Meet Charlotte who shares her stellar fashion over on
www.lurchhoundloves.com. She has our
Mini Boho Backpack and after seeing her wear it, you'll want it to!

Meet Christie, she is a serious style icon over on http://christiescloset.tumblr.com/. She has fabulously styled our
Classic Leather Satchel, our new
Leather Shopper Tote Bag, and our
Leather Retro Bag.

Next, meet Bianca who styles, travels and eats oh so beautifully over at
www.borntobeawildflower.com, she has our
Leather Boho Backpack and our
MIni Leather Boho Backpack and wears them both marvelously!

Who are some of your favourite fashion bloggers?